A Middle Eastern Feast

Date: July 1, 2020

Our ongoing “Feast Series” continues in September with an exciting “Middle East” dinner of the senses.

Join Merne at Lighthouse for a ten-course feast focusing on Chef Josh Smiths interpretation of the cuisines of the Middle East.

When: Friday September 20 @ 7PM
Cost: $89pp

To book, phone (03) 52515541 or contact us

Grazing Menu

  • Olives from the grove
  • Stuffed Onions
  • Shanklish, pumpkin, radicchio, walnut
  • Watercress, beetroot, smoked salmon, mint
  • Mezze – Kofta, hommus, stuffed peppers, pastrami, octopus


  • Tagine of goat, preserved lemon, chickpes, ras el hanout
  • with Mujadara, Harissa and tabbouleh


  • Halva, orange blossom, chocolate